GraphLAB System Specifications
16-channel measurement channels with dual voltage sources - Ref: GLAB
•High-resolution acquisition over all 16 channels with 24-bit ADC
•Precise conductance resolution better than 0.05% full scale
•Gate voltage ranging from -1.2 V to 1.2 V (optionally from -30 V to 30 V)
•Gate-source and drain-source DAC voltage noise typically below 0.2 mV
•Acquisition time below 100 ms per channel
•FET resistance ranging from 100 Ω to 100 kΩ
•Up to 6 GraphLAB devices plugged-in, each self-powered via USB allowing a total of 96 channels for real-time acquisition and gating.
Packaged software for multi-channel acquisition and analysis - Ref: GSOFT
•Easy-to-use user interface for parallel and real-time measurements
•Enables simultaneous control of all connected GraphLAB devices
•Compatible with long and complex experimental protocols
•Measure real-time conductance and store time-series for post-analysis
•Precise determination of field-effect via custom voltage sweeping
•Post-measurement analysis of Dirac point and transconductance shifts
•Python scripting library for measurement and pipette robot control
GraphLAB adapter for 16 G-FETs on polymer sheet - Ref: GBOXPS
•For connecting with Grapheal Graphene on polymer 16 GFETs (GPS16)
•Recommended minimum volume of 250 μL (max. up to 800 μL)
GraphLAB adapter for G-FETs on silicon - Ref: GBOXSIL
•Straightforward “out-of-the-box” mounting with spring mounted contacts (“pogo pins”)
•Compatible with Graphenea GFET on Silicon (ref. GFET-S20 and S21)
•Recommended minimum volume of 250 μL (max. up to 400 μL)
Graphene on polymer 16 G-FETs - Ref: GPS16
•Grapheal proprietary flexible graphene FETs encapsulated in PET
•2-channels per well of 1.1 cm diameter with 8 wells total per sheet
•Mobility of over 1000 cm²/V/s, peak values of up to 4 mS/V
•Monolayer graphene channel area of 5 x 3 mm
•Graphene grain size over 20 μm and sheet lifetime beyond 6 months
Opentrons OT2 pipetting robot with Grapheal controller - Ref: GHPPR
•Full Automation of liquid handling enabling reproducible dosing
•Synchronized with measurements via GraphLAB software (GSOFT)
•Automated experimental protocols with rinsing, mixing and aliquoting
•Variable & precise dispensing (volumes from 1 µL up to 1000 µL)

© Grapheal 2022